Psychforums- The Hybrid Nons

20 Jul

One of the main things a non must comprehend when they are coming out of a disordered relationship is: No contact! This means we do not seek to have anymore contact with our disordered exes because we need to emotionally heal.

There are many issues involving what many nons call “the no contact policy”. First, we sever all ties with our ex. Then, we gradually learn that we were not the crazy ones. Part of this involves learning the techniques that emotionally abusive women use to manipulate men with. Once we learn how they did what they did, we can allow ourselves to recognize that we really did have valid reasons to be hurt and upset.

This is where psychforums really errs. You see, the personality disorder forums are divided into to groups: disordered and nons. When the nons start their own threads and talk about the controlling behavior of their exes, nine times out of ten a histrionic woman will stalk the thread and start some kind of overt or covert flame war. If the nons try to maintain their position, the moderators will get private messaged by a covert NPD named Lifesong and the mods will commonly censor the thread the nons are trying to work out.

Why else would there be problems there? It’s easy, because people with personality disorders have zero respect for boundaries, and they show this by flaming the non threads.

Some nons become a tad bit brain washed by this, and what begins to happen over time is they go against their own morals by finding some sort of middle ground to converse with the HPD’s. In my opinion, this is them missing their exes, as they are still emotionally involved to the histrionic personality disorder that their exes had. But these nons are “hybrids” because they are just as much on the HPD’s side as they are on the nons side. You cannot play both sides of the fence when it comes to something as important as this.

Today I went to psychforums and noticed a so called non there continuing time and time again to cater to HPD’s in his questions to them and his responses to them. I cannot believe he has nothing better to do with his time than to seek out conversations with people whom he knows are disordered. You will find a lot of nons at psychforums who are soft and still suffer from the exact same low self esteem issues that got them into a disordered relationship in the first place. In a conflict, they too are likely to side with the disordered. After all, they are still longing for that approval.
borderline personality

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